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Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Daily Meditation

"whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable?If anything is excellent or praiseworthy?Think about such things. "...Philippians. Thoughts pervade the spirit and determine one's actions. If the mind is filled with garbage and negativity, external actions reflect the attitudes. . The struggle to stay the high ground is an ever-present one. Although we are products of heredity and environment, we are blessed with choice and free will. Daily, we are bombarded with images of war, violence, sex, pornography, fractured families, and perverse relationships. Images are magnified by mass media and television. From birth, we are exposed and led to believe that "anything goes" is the norm and perfectly natural and acceptable. We are in a struggle for our soul and spirit. Good is overshadowed by evil. Through such clouds of darkness, the light of hope is dim. These clouds cannot be ignored, but with great effort we can choose to dwell upon the light, and fill our spirits with hope and optimism. We can see what's great about our country, rather than what's evil. In small act of kindness and charity, our nation's true soul is reflected. We can change what we can and turn away from the metastisizing cancer of doom and negativity. This attitude is not pollyanyish, it's right thinking. As written in Phillipians, see and think about the noble, pure. praiseworthy, and the righteous. Like the ancient Roman bacchanalian culture, your survival depends on it. They ceased to exist, we musn't!

HI my Abuelito!!

Thanks for your lovely comments and your support. And this post I loved!

Thank you for being my cyber grandfather.

Tu nieta, Happy
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