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Sunday, October 10, 2004
Survey Shows Web Withdrawal
I think I have a new disease called web withdrawal. My palms sweat, I shake, my stomach growls, and my head pounds if the day passes without my online fix. How did this happen?Haven't been this addicted since I crushed out the last butt of that filthy Marlbourough smoke 30 years ago. I'm in good company though. I encounter millions of others, just like me, everyday. The cyber-family has replaced the real family. The glaring computer screen has become the center of the universe. It's pathetic. I play poker, blog, e-mail, read the news, chat with friends, research, emote, philosophize and interact with unknown faces in far away places. I'm connected in ways, un-imagined just a few years ago. Orwellian culture is reality. Willingly, I submit to the prying eyes of "Big Brother" like a fish to the bait. The meaning of freedom is being re-defined. After I'm gone, I wonder what my children's lives will be like?